The Third Annual Summer Soulfest
The Third Annual Summer Soulfest returns to Kailua Sunday July 9th! This half day festival will feature yoga, meditation, pranayama, energetic healing, creative workshops, Plant medicine lectures, ecstatic dance, sound healing and more – all of which share the theme of realigning with nature. Come alone, come with friends and enjoy a day of community and connection.
Every year we feature a select group of instructors, who are masters in their fields. We draw talent from many lineages and host a diverse lineup in order to create an experience for every level and type of student. With several experiences being held at the same time, you have the ability to curate your day however you would like. The Summer Soulfest will collectively end with Soundation – a multi dimensional sound journey by Kamalei Ah Chong.
Our on-site vegan cafe will be open throughout the day featuring refreshing and healthy options to compliment your experience.
Date: Sunday July 9th
Time: 3pm – 8:30pm
Scroll down for full schedule
Regular price: $55 – on sale June 20th
Day of price: $65
Full Schedule
Block One – 3PM
Lānai: ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i Papa Yoga w/ Travis
Spend an hour immersed in the ancestral wisdom of ‘Ōlelo No’eau as you flow through a vinyasa practice with Travis Kā’eo. This class will lean into ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i (Hawaiian Language) through Hawaiian proverbs and words. This class requires no previous experience in ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i and is beginner friendly.
Studio: Reiki & Restore w/ Kailani
Reiki is a non intrusive and holistic healing technique that channels and unblocks energy within the physical and emotional body. Originating from Japan, Reiki has been used to support healing physical pain, emotional traumas, stuck energy as well as promote feelings of kindness, love, acceptance and spiritual growth. By allowing the students to rest in a meditative state, Reiki can help unblock any stuck energy in the Chakras, release stress and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
We will begin this session with light breath work, followed by a restorative yoga practice to burn off any excess energy and help prepare the body for rest. After the short flow, students will lay for the remainder of class in a comfortable meditative supine position, where the reiki practitioner will work both hands off and hand on, with each individual student to transfer reiki healing energy.
Retail: Plant Medicine Lecture w/ Brenden Barry
Microdosing is the practice of consuming sub-hallucinogenic amounts of a psychedelic substance. Many individuals who have integrated microdosing mushrooms containing psilocybin into their weekly routine report higher levels of energy, creativity, focus, improved relational skills, as well as reduced anxiety, stress, and even depression. Some enthusiasts also report that microdosing mushrooms has helped them heighten their spiritual awareness and enhance their senses.
Join us at YUP for a community discussion around the benefits and challenges of microdosing psilocybin containing mushrooms. We’ll discuss what a microdose is and everything you need to know about microdosing psilocybin or ‘magic’ mushrooms, including dosage, frequency, and potential cognitive and psychological benefits. We’ll also explore the different types of established protocols that are most often employed in creating and establishing a microdosing regimen
Presented by Brendan Barry: Brendan is a member of the Kaimuki community for nearly 40 years. He is a local business owner, trauma informed Lomi practitioner and trained Shadow Integration coach. Over the last decade he has pursued his interest in mycology. As a curious and passionate observer he has worked with a variety of microdosing protocols for himself and clients. “I’ve seen amazing transformations using fungi and I believe that more people could benefit.”
Treatment Room: Watercolor w/ Dawn
Experiment and have fun learning the basics of watercolor painting. Using paints from Nā Waiho’olu’u project, you’ll be walked through the magical process of creating with water and pigment. No artistic ability is needed to enjoy this class and everyone will leave having made one of a kind piece of art.
Block Two – 4:15PM
Lānai: Yoga & Live Music Boris & Isa w/ Heather
A gentle feel good flow to the live sounds of Boris and Isa.
Boris & Isa: Boris & Isa: Hawaii-based duo, Isa Lei and Boris Garcia, both from families of local musicians, made their connection through POW!WOW! School of Music, Hawaii.
Boris has a diverse musical background and a wide range of performance experience. Isa’s love for the performing arts started at a young age and she has developed her unique sound since high school. Warm jazzy instrumentals and soulful/R&B-inspired vocals are the spirits of Boris & Isa’s music. Fortunate to get a taste of Hawaii’s music scene, Boris & Isa made their debut performing in 2019.
Studio: Kirtan Mantra w/ Emma
Kirtan, also known as sankirtan, is the practice of collective chanting or group singing, usually in community as a sing-along of bhajans, or devotional songs, and call-and-response of mantra, or sacred sounds. Kirtan is most commonly known within the practice and tradition of Bhakti Yoga.
Each chant revolves around a particular mantra. These mantras often feature the names of the myriad gods and goddesses that were identified by the ancient rishis (or seers) in Vedic times,
Retail: Aromatherapy w/ Natalie Young
Learn how to blend essential oils together to make your own custom scent using pure essential oils and carrier oils that can be applied to your skin. In this class you will get to play with a variety of scents from a variety of brands and create your own blend to take home.
Treatment Room: Medical Cannabis w/ Alexis
Join Alexis of Noa Botanicals for an overview of various uses of medical cannabis. Learn about dosage, strains, terpenes, Cannabinoids, the Endocannabinoid system and the future of cannabis legislation in hawaii.
Alexis bio: Alexis is the cannabis eductair for Noa Botanicals and holds a Masters in cannabis science and therapeutics From the university of Maryland school of pharmacy.
Block Three – 5:30PM – 45 min
Lānai: Ganja Yoga w/ Summer
So many of us have turned to yoga for physical, mental and spiritual healing. Cannabis is also a natural tool used to alleviate chronic pain, inflammation, PTSD and a variety of other medical conditions. The combination of cannabis and a yoga practice can be profound. “Cannabis enhances yoga the same way it enhances a concert or a sunset. The two things individually are great, but combined they’re alchemic.” -Dee Desault, author of Ganja Yoga.
This class will incorporate gentle yoga, the support of bolsters/yoga props, and cannabis for a beginner friendly, gentle experience.
Medical patients with a current 329 card can BYO medicine. Non-medical patients will be supplied with Dad Grass or Mom Grass (hemp CBD/CBG joints). If you do not want to consume cannabis, you are still more than welcome to attend!
*Medical patients, please bring your current 329 card and photo ID. The sale of and sharing of cannabis is strictly prohibited. Please plan responsibly; do not drive to or from this class under the influence of cannabis.
Studio: Reiki & Restore w/ Lanie
Reiki is a non intrusive and holistic healing technique that channels and unblocks energy within the physical and emotional body. Originating from Japan, Reiki has been used to support healing physical pain, emotional traumas, stuck energy as well as promote feelings of kindness, love, acceptance and spiritual growth. By allowing the students to rest in a meditative state, Reiki can help unblock any stuck energy in the Chakras, release stress and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
We will begin this session with light breath work, followed by a restorative yoga practice to burn off any excess energy and help prepare the body for rest. After the short flow, students will lay for the remainder of class in a comfortable meditative supine position, where the reiki practitioner will work both hands off and hand on, with each individual student to transfer reiki healing energy.
Retail: Lei w/ Ella
Learn the ancient tradition of lei making! In this workshop you will learn to make your own lei using locally foraged leaves and ferns.
All materials for lei making will be provided, but please bring your own scissors. This is a small workshop and will be led by Ella:
“Aloha all! My name is Ella and I am so excited to be sharing my love of lei! I love making all kinds of lei, whether it is lei po`o, lei kui, lei wili or lei hilo! I’ve been making lei for a while and have learned a few tips and tricks from my aunties that I can’t wait to share!”
Treatment Room: Soul Gazing w/ Jeremiah
This workshop will offer the opportunity to engage in the sacred act of seeing. We will provide guidance and create space to become a witness and allow ourselves to be seen. Safety, trust, and vulnerability will be encouraged as we engage in this intimate act of seeing into another. The class will begin with an introduction and guidance for the participants to create the space for soulgazing. Followed by some breathwork and a guided meditation to help open the mind and heart. We will then move into pairs where each person will be given the opportunity to both see into another’s eyes and also be seen. The class will end with an open share to process what they experienced.
Dinner Block – 6:30PM
Lānai: Big Island Ecstatic Dance w/ Mantis (40)
More info soon.
Studio: Pranayama (The Air) w/ Emma
The Air is our signature breathwork class. Rooted in traditional pranayama practices, this class will slowly introduce powerful practices and tools for calming the heart, opening the mind, and expanding consciousness. Pranayama means to still or expand your life force energy.
Retail: Lei w/ Ella
Learn the ancient tradition of lei making! In this workshop you will learn to make your own lei using locally foraged leaves and ferns.
All materials for lei making will be provided, but please bring your own scissors. This is a small workshop and will be held on our lanai and led by Ella:
“Aloha all! My name is Ella and I am so excited to be sharing my love of lei! I love making all kinds of lei, whether it is lei po`o, lei kui, lei wili or lei hilo! I’ve been making lei for a while and have learned a few tips and tricks from my aunties that I can’t wait to share!”
Headline Event – 7:30PM
The Soundation w/ Kamalei
The foundation of all existence can be better understood through frequency, sound and vibration.
What is sound meditation? Sound meditation is an invitation to deeply listen, connecting you to the sonic landscape of the world within and around you; grounded in the basics of meditation which is the engaged willingness to be with your breath and the eternally unfolding “now”.
We are in constant collaboration with vibration. Sound meditation cultivates a supportive time and space for the practical and tangible relief we crave on a physical level while also finding relief in the freedom to play with the unexplainable mysteries woven through life.
The mind, body, and spirit’s ability to naturally shift and tune itself is the fascinating key component to the transcendental and lucid dream-like journey that’s possible in a sound meditation session.
In this sound meditation, Soundation, sound alchemist Kamalei will create an immersive soundscape experience utilizing various cross-cultural instruments and modern sounds. To receive the most out of your sound meditation, it is best to have no expectations or preconceived ideas of what a “sound healing” looks, sounds, or feels like. Instead, show up with a curious mind and an open heart full of pure intentions to learn more about yourself. Everyone will have their own unique experience and each experience is divinely perfect for that person in that moment. During the sound meditation, you may receive visions, messages from guides, emotions may arise or you might even fall asleep because you are so relaxed, but that’s just your body’s way of telling you to rest. All is divinely guided for the highest good of all.
Kamalei Ah Chong is a self-remembered multi-instrumental sound alchemist and native artisan visiting from Hawai’i Island. He is the embodiment of Omni Sounds and craftsmith of Loli Kū Designs. Utilizing various cross-cultural instruments, he harmonizes the ancient with modern sounds into one expansive symphony, creating spaces for all levels of meditators to journey deep into relaxation and activate one’s natural resonance within. Armed with the harmonies rippling out in all directions, that’s Omni. You can learn more about Kamalei as a sacred space holder at omni–
Photos from Previous Soul Fest Events