The essence of a yoga retreat, without the need to leave town.

Welcome to Yoga Under the Palms Kaka’ako, our newest studio on O’ahu. This location offers outdoor yoga on our covered lānai surrounded by lush greenery, aerial yoga in our upstairs air conditioned studio and keiki yoga classes in our keiki room.

Grab a smoothie, coffee or healthy plant based meal in our cafe and make sure to check out our selection of yoga apparel, yoga mats, clothing, wellness products and jewelry in our shop. We have several locally made products as well as a selection of sustainable/low waste products.

Our Kaka’ako location is our largest location and is also the home of our non-profit, Open Mind Yoga Hawaii – a 501c3 non profit organization that provides yoga and aerial yoga to kids and young adults with disabilities.



Our Kaka’ako yoga studio is located at 810 Pohukaina St, Honolulu, HI 96813 across the street from UFC Gym.

Tour the Studio

Where to Park

We now offer validated parking at the Kauhale Kaka’ako lot located at 860 Halekauwila st.

To get free parking at Kauhale Hale:

  1. Park in the Kauhale Kakaako lot at 860 Hale kauwila st
  2. Show your parking lot ticket at the front desk and grab a parking validation ticket.
  3. Parking is good for 1.5 hours. After that it is $1.50/half hour.

Conditions: Students attending class, dining at Plant Based Paradise Kaka’ako or shopping with a minimum purchase of $10 are eligible for parking validation. We are currently unable to offer free parking to students attending the Friday free community class. However, if you dine in the cafe (now open on Friday nights) or make a $10 purchase, we will provide validation.

Do NOT park at the UFC gym. You will be towed even if you are a UFC member.

In addition, we’ve highlighted the best places to park currently. Purple areas are street parking (Free after 7pm). The Kauhale Kaka’ako lot is highlighted in green.

Recent News & Events in Kaka’ako  

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