About Tina P
For most of my life, I have been working with children in many different areas ranging from the ages of preschool through high school. When I first started yoga, I came to the realization that I was dealing with overwhelming anxiety and self-doubt. As time went on, I had no idea the magic that would unfold in front of me. I was able to reconnect to my heart and intuitive wisdom. I was led to take a 250 hour yoga teacher training in Asheville, North Carolina. This developed into a healing journey and a new understanding of my desire to help humans connect deeply to themselves and the world around them. It is a passion of mine to empower others through play, movement and exploration. I currently work at a preschool and I am inspired constantly by the genuine curiosity and enthusiasm for play through a child's eyes. When I am not doing yoga, I love to be outside - running, hiking and exploring this beautiful island with my partner and favorite pup Sparrow.